Noise complaints are one of the most common tenant complaints landlords have to deal with. While it’s possible to get a complaint from a neighbor who expects your tenants not to make any noise throughout the day, you might also have to deal with tenants who are causing unacceptable disturbances that could lead to legal problems.
Knowing how to effectively deal with noise complaints can significantly improve your rental business. You’ll keep a good relationship with your neighbors and will keep your property safe from liabilities. The experts at Brentwood Square Management Services Inc. have written this guide so you can learn how to assess noise complaints.
What Constitutes a Noise Complaint?
Here are some of the most common causes of noise complaints landlords face:
Barking Dogs
Barking is a normal behavior among dogs. But when a dog barks at all hours of the day and night, it can become a problem. If a neighbor complains to you about a barking dog in one of your rentals, the best course of action is to talk to the tenant to figure out a way to keep their dog’s barking to a minimum.
If you or your tenants are repairing or renovating your rental property, make sure to be mindful of the noise. While construction noise is typically permitted, keeping the noise up at unreasonable hours can cause issues with your neighbors.
That’s why it’s best to talk with the construction crew and establish a timeframe for them to work. Additionally, it’s a good idea to let neighbors or other tenants know you’ll be carrying out repairs beforehand.
Your tenants should be allowed to have people over and host small gatherings from time to time. However, if a renter is having loud parties every other night, you need to talk to them to put an end to this. If the issue persists, you might have to take disciplinary action against them.
Couples and families can have disagreements from time to time. But if your tenants get into loud screening matches regularly, you’ll need to address this behavior immediately. If you don’t, your neighbors could report this issue to your local law enforcement.
Loud Cars
The sound of revving cars or loud radios at quiet times is not prohibited. But it can cause problems with neighbors or other tenants. If your renters have loud cars, you should talk to them about being mindful of the noise, especially at night.
How to Deal with Noise Complaints?
As a landlord, it’s important that you know how to properly deal with noise complaints. If you don’t, it can significantly damage your relationship with your tenants and your neighbors. Here’s how to deal with a noise complaint in seven simple steps:
Assess the Complaint
The first thing you must do when you get a noise complaint is assess its validity and severity. Talk to the neighbor who raised the complaint to get a better understanding of the situation. Then, talk with your renters to get their side of the story. It’s also a good idea to check your local noise regulations to see if the issue constitutes an actual noise disturbance.
Check in with Other Neighbors
Talking with other neighbors or tenants (if you own a multi-family unit) will give you a better understanding of the problem. If, for instance, other Nashville tenants have also been disturbed by the same noise, the issue might be bigger and require different action.
Look into the Cause of the Complaint
Finding the cause of the complaint can help you resolve the issue more effectively. If, for example, the issue is that your tenant is playing loud music at unreasonable hours, you might be able to talk to them to use headphones or turn it down.
Ask the Tenant to Make Changes
Once you’ve assessed the situation and found the cause of the complaints, it’s time to talk with your tenant. Even if the noise doesn’t constitute a disturbance, it’s a good idea to have a chat with them to see if there’s a way to keep the noise down and avoid similar issues in the future.
On the other hand, if the noise is a disturbance, you should let them know so and warn them of the issues they could face if they keep it up.
Hire a Mediator
If a tenant refuses to make any changes or discuss the matter with you in a civil manner, it’s best to contact a professional mediator to help you solve the problem.
File a Report with Your Local Authorities
If the issue persists, you may need to get local authorities involve. Your local Department of Public Health or police department can help you get a noise-abatement notice issued. This can finally resolve the issue or be of use during an eviction.
File for an Eviction
If a tenant doesn’t change their behavior and continues to disturb other neighbors, you have the right to evict them. This is much easier if you have a noise clause in your rental agreements, as you’ll be able to evict them for repeatedly breaching the lease.
Bottom Line
When you get a noise complaint for a tenant, it’s important that you deal with the issue promptly. This will help you maintain a good relationship with your renters and neighbors, as well as keep your investment protected.
When dealing with a complaint, it’s important first to assess the situation, this includes talking to other neighbors and finding the cause of the issue. Then, you can try to resolve the problem amicably or hire a mediator. In the worst-case scenario, repeated noise complaints can lead to eviction.
Do you have any more questions about dealing with noise complaints? Contact Brentwood Square Management Services, Inc.! You can rest assured that your Nashville, TN rental is always protected thanks to our services.